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Health Psychol Rep ; 11(4): 295-308, 2023.
Artículo en Inglés | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38178967


BACKGROUND: According to the emotion regulation process, situation selection comprises actions that increase or decrease the likelihood of being in contexts that foster a certain type of emotion, positive or negative. This concept is complemented by the social basis theory, which starts with the assumption that the primary ecology of humans is characterized by its social components. Thus, reduced access to social relationships increases cognitive and physiological effort, which leads to a decrease in well-being. PARTICIPANTS AND PROCEDURE: In order to make a joint assessment of both concepts, the study used supervised machine learning models to analyze the associations between selected variables of social support, emotion regulation, coping, and several psychological symptoms (somatization, obsession-compulsion, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoid ideation, and psychoticism). For this purpose, an Argentine sample (N = 812, M age = 44.35, female = 435) was collected through the Internet, nested cross-validations were performed with 8 different learning algorithms and Shapley values were computed for the predictive models that minimized the test errors. RESULTS: The results showed that adaptive strategies have considerable effects on maladaptive strategies, but they do not have significant effects on symptoms. Contrariwise, social support variables have significant effects on symptoms, while they do not have major effects on maladaptive strategies. CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that the main function of regulatory flexibility does not appear to be a better adaptation to situations, but rather the maintenance of adequate levels of social support, i.e. emotional support received, perception of available emotional support, and perceived comprehension. Further implications are discussed, and a hypothetical model proposed.

Apuntes psicol ; 37(3): 219-231, 2019.
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-195255


La vulnerabilidad social implica privaciones vinculadas a aspectos económicos, educativos, ocupacionales, emocionales, sociales y de derechos, y abarca el 30,7% de la población argentina (CEPAL, 2018). Por otro lado, los estilos parentales refieren a las diversas formas de interacción entre cuidadores e infantes que impactan en el desarrollo cognitivo y socioafectivo. El objetivo de la siguiente revisión narrativa será analizar el impacto del nivel socioeconómico (NSE) en los diversos estilos de crianza y sus factores mediadores. Se encontró que el NSE impacta en los estilos parentales, siendo las variables de nivel educativo, tipo de comunicación e interacción y entorno sociocultural las de mayor poder predictivo. A su vez, la crianza en contextos de bajo NSE traen aparejados relaciones más punitivas y negligentes, sin embargo, es necesario tener en cuenta el contexto cultural para analizar de forma ecológica las diversas prácticas parentales. En conclusión, es importante no solo aminorar el impacto de los entornos vulnerables, si no también trabajar con las familias entendidas desde un entorno cultural determinado para generar prácticas de crianza que enriquezcan el desarrollo cognitivo y emocional infantil

Social vulnerability implies deprivation linked to economic, educational, occupational, emotional, social and rights aspects, and covers 30.7% of the argentine population (CEPAL, 2018). On the other hand, parental styles refer to the different forms of interaction between caregivers and infants that impact on cognitive and socio-affective development. The objective of the next narrative review will be to analyze the impact of socioeconomic status (NSE) on the different styles of parenting. NSE influences parental styles, being the variables of educational level, type of communication and interaction and sociocultural environment the most predictive ones. In turn, upbringing in low NSE contexts brings about more punitive and negligent relationships. However, it is necessary to take into account the cultural context to analyze in an ecological way the different parental practices. In conclusion, it is important not only to reduce the impact of vulnerable environments, but also to work with families understood from a specific cultural environment to generate parenting practices that enrich children's cognitive and emotional development

Humanos , Niño , 34658 , Clase Social , Responsabilidad Parental , Factores de Riesgo , Emociones , Desarrollo Infantil , Cognición